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1 church,
2 locations

Join us every Sunday @ 10:30AM

We are a Bible believing community that exists to love God and love the people around us.

Above Table View

23rd Feb
After church
at Cote

Breakfast Table

22nd FEB
9:30am at the Castle Hotel

Worship night

28th March, 7pm,
at Stone Baptist
Come and Worship Jesus together!

Church Weekend Away 2025

Enjoy a time of refreshing as we relax in nature, fun for all the family, time to worship and seek the Lord, and be family together!
13th-15th June
Learn who we are with our Vision Series

One church, two locations; knowing who we are has never been more important. Learn, reflect, and grow with us.

Join us on Thursday's at 7pm term time, for prayer and bible study, learn more.

Meet the team


Joel trained for ministry at Spurgeon's College, London, and entered the ministry in 2010. Joel has led the church as our Pastor since 2015, he married Natalie in 2020. As the Pastor of our church he has led the church through a replanting process. Joel leads our leadership team.


Les is a part of the church leadership team. Les is a retired lay pastor, and long standing member of the church, we will apologies now for his jokes... Les is a wonderful peacemaker, friend, and encourager to our church family.


Barbara is part of the church leadership team. Previously she led the Children's team, she helps with pastoring the women in the church, and regularly lead's services in both Eynsford and Stone. Barbara is passionate about prayer and discipleship.


Wale is a longstanding member in Stone. Wale helps host at SBC, he preaches regularly, and if you visit SBC he will likely be the person to greet you. Do say hi if you get the chance!


Jacky is a longstanding member in Eynsford. Jacky helps host EBC, she also helps with hospitality events and regularly leads the catering alongside her husband Dave. If you visit EBC she will likely be the person to greet you. Do say hi if you get the chance!


Natalie co-leads our Childrens program across both church locations as the Children's Ministry Director. She is always looking for more leaders! Natalie works in a local school in the pastoral and welfare team. Natalie is passionate about the children of the church growing to know Jesus.


Christie co-leads our Childrens program across both church locations as the Children's Ministry Director. She is always looking for more helpers! Christie works in a local hospital as a nurse. Christie with her husband Abi have two young children and are a fun family to be around!

Contact the church:

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Where to find us

We hold services at 10:30 am at Stone Baptist Church and Eynsford Baptist Church. 


Join us at either church location for a warm welcome!

Stone Baptist Church

42 Hillhouse Rd, Stone,

Dartford DA2 6HQ

Find Us

Eynsford Baptist Church

High St, Eynsford,

Dartford DA4 0AA

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